Rigged in Riga package

6 respuestas
07/09/2009 15:55

Bueno como algunos sabeís he estado interesado en hacerme los servicios de un pack que un forero estaba dispuesto a vender porque no podía ir. Pusimos un precio de $1.100 y antes de ponernos manos a la obra en la transacción me puse en contacto con el support de BetSafe, la orferta era la siguiente:

"The Rigged in Riga package includes 3 nights’ accommodation on Reval Hotel Elisabeth. The rooms are double rooms and thereby making it possible to invite a friend on the trip. It also includes flight, transport, buy in to a $1000 NLHE tourney, welcome party, entrance to nightclubs, and much more. The value of the package is $2500."

Hasta ahí todo correcto pero al preguntar al support me dicen que aunque esté en Europa no le pagan el vuelo a mi colega.

Esto es lo que me contestaron:

"1. Unfortunately the package only includes flights for one person. However, if you want to we can help you book the same flight for your friend as well and then take the cost out of your Betsafe account."

Los que hayaís ido a cualquier torneo en vivo, ¿podeís contarme vuestras experiencias con esto? Tengo entendido que en Mayo en el mismo torneo el vuelo de tu acompañanete corría a cargo de la sala si no estabas en otro continente.


07/09/2009 17:28
Re: Rigged in Riga package

Supongo q en las condiciones o la info del pack lo diran lo del acompañante.

Q tengas suerte...o mejor tu acompañante ejje

07/09/2009 17:56
Re: Rigged in Riga package

Yo lo que entiendo es que te sobra una cama en la habitación, y que si llevas acompañante no le dan ni un vaso de agua.

Es decir "It also includes flight, transport, buy in to a $1000 NLHE tourney, welcome party, entrance to nightclubs, and much more" solo te dan 1 vuelo, 1 transporte, 1 entrada para fiesta, etc, puede que a tu acompañante no le dejen ni entrar a la fiesta (a menos que la entrada ponga que puedes llevar acompañante).

Espero que no te encuentres más problemas😒

07/09/2009 17:59
Re: Rigged in Riga package

He ablado con dos tipos del support y con el jefazo que lleva el torneo y efectivamente xD.

*Please wait for a site operator to respond.

You are now chatting with 'Henrik'

Henrik: Hello, how may I help you?

Manuel: Hello Henrik, I have a question

Manuel: I'm about to buy a Rigged in Riga package from a friend, and I want to know if first that's posible and second how we're supposed to do that

Henrik: yes It's possible. I think the best way is to e-mail [EMAIL="herbert@betsafe.com"]herbert@betsafe.com[/EMAIL] He's our pokermanager and he will take care of it and help you.

Manuel: Alright, do you know if Betsafe do something on this case, I mean I know the guy from the internet but it would be more secure if I give the money to Betsafe and then it gives me the package while sending him the money, like an intermediate

Manuel: or may i ask herbet about that

Henrik: Yeah, you can make a depsoit on Betsafe and we can remove the money from there for the ticket. No problem

Henrik: Just have the money on the oddsaccount and Herbert will fix everything for you.

Manuel: Alright, thats good news so I guess I'm going to contact Herbert, thanks for your atention, and for this quickly answer

Manuel: Have a nice day

Henrik: The same to you too.

Hello Mr. Herbert.

I'm Manuel, I have an account on betsafe and my nickname is "...". I have some questions for you, but first I want to thank you for your time.

I have a friend that is going to sell his Rigged in Riga package, and I want to buy it. I spoke with the support, and may I say they were very good and quickly to respond, so congratulations. They told me to contact you so we can arrange this as far as we could.

1. I know that this package allow me to have a friend going with me, but I have a question. I'm from Spain, in case I buy it we are going to have the same plane, and I want to know if the pack pays the travel for my friend or just the double room we're going to share there.

2. How we're supposed to do the exchange, I mean, I will have my money on the account shortly, but is there any way that betsafe is going to do some intermediate job? I mean giving you the money and you give me the pack, so we're both safe -seller & buyer, and the transaction is as secure as it can be.

I guess that's all, I wait for your answer. Thank you again for your time, and have a nice day.

Hi Manolo,

My name is Nils-Petter and I am responsible for the Rigged in Riga tournament here at Betsafe.

1. Unfortunately the package only includes flights for one person. However, if you want to we can help you book the same flight for your friend as well and then take the cost out of your Betsafe account.

2. I can help you in buy-in/selling the package. Both the seller and buyer need to send an email to [EMAIL="riggedinriga@betsafe.com"]riggedinriga@betsafe.com[/EMAIL] confirming that they want to sell/buy the package and what the prize is agreed on. Then I will make the transfer of both money and package.

Please do not hesitate to contact me If you have any questions.

Best Regards,

Nils-Petter Wieslander

Poker CRM Manager

You are now chatting with 'oscar'

oscar: Hello, how may I help you?

Manuel: Hello Oscar, I'm Manuel and I've got a question

Manuel: I am interested on buying a package of Rigged in Riga, and I have a friend that is going to sell it, I contacted to Herbert email and he replied me, but however I'm still in doubt with one term of the conversation

Manuel: He says that my friend's flight is not included on the offer while reading on the webpage seems clear that it's supposed to be

Manuel: The Rigged in Riga package includes 3 nights’ accommodation on Reval Hotel Elisabeth. The rooms are double rooms and thereby making it possible to invite a friend on the trip. It also INCLUDES FLIGHT, transport, buy in to a $1000 NLHE tourney, welcome party, entrance to nightclubs, and much more. The value of the package is $2500.

oscar: Thats wrong, flight is only included for you.

Manuel: That's not really what you read

Manuel: when you meet the offer

oscar: We will change that as soon as possible,

Manuel: but nevermind, how many money am I supposed to have for the flight?

oscar: 500$

Manuel: and the other $1.000 are supposed to be the hotel?

oscar: Yes hotel , food partys

Manuel: That includes my friend, or just me again?

oscar: Just you.

oscar: For all players

Manuel: Aye, and how is supposed to "invite a friend with me"

Manuel: I mean hey! mate you have a room to sleep and that's it have fun

Manuel: makes not really sense to me

oscar: You will get an double room

Manuel: yeah and that's it I guess

oscar: yes, he will of course get entry for night clubs

oscar: Welcome party

oscar: And a fer drinks=)

Manuel: On last even from may I found this

Manuel: "I am in contact with the "poker manager" and the lady responsible for the flight booking. They both confirmed that the packages DO include flight and transport for a second as person as long as its at a reasonable cost."

Manuel: If we both fly from Madrid or Barcelona it would easily cost 500 euros. Isn't that reasonable?

oscar: Im sorry, flight is only included for you.

oscar: Not for your friend

Manuel: And even if I find something for $500?

oscar: yes

Manuel: then it's still not included?

oscar: No

Manuel: I don't really understand this stuff, if I got $500 for flights and I decide to travel from my city it will probably cost around that. If I make the sacrifice of going from Barcelona because is cheaper and would cost same for us, it's not allowed. Makes not really sense.

oscar: Thats our rules im sorry

Manuel: Can you give me a logic explanation around that? Or can I contact someone else?

oscar: Please email [EMAIL="herbet@betsafe.con"]herbet@betsafe.con[/EMAIL]

Manuel: Yeah, already did

oscar: And he will come back to you.

Manuel: Last time on May was the same rule?

oscar: Please email him, he is the responsible guy for this

Manuel: Well I will try

Manuel: Thanks.

oscar: Thank you for chatting with us. Do not hesitate to contact us again if there should be anything else.

oscar: Have a nice evening!

Manuel: You too mate.

Chat session has been terminated by the site operator.

Hi again Manolo,

It is unfortunate that you thought the flights were included. But again I can confirm that the flight is only included for the package holder. I will change the homepage so that it is clearer that flight is only for the package holder.

The Rigged in Riga package includes:

- 3 nights’ accommodation on Reval Hotel Elisabeth. (The rooms are double rooms).

- Flight

- Transport (Between airport, hotel and casino)

- Buy-in to a $1000 NLHE tourney

- Welcome party,

- Entrance to nightclubs

Meals are included for players during the tournament breaks.

Hope this answered your questions.

Best Regards,

Nils-Petter Wieslander

Poker CRM Manager

08/09/2009 17:10
Re: Rigged in Riga package

Pero en qué quedamos, ¿manuel o manolo? :=)

Entiendo que el pack es para una persona y no podrás hacer mucho al respecto. Lo que me extraña es que no ingresen el dinero en tu cuenta y puedas hacer lo que te salga de las narices con él.

Al menos esto es lo que me he encontrado con los packs que he ganado en distintas salas.

¡Suerte en riga! (menudo nombre han escogido para el torneo...)

08/09/2009 17:12
Re: Rigged in Riga package

ahora entiendo el nombre del pack! :D

08/09/2009 17:44
Re: Rigged in Riga package
08/09/2009 17:10
Re: Rigged in Riga package

Pero en qué quedamos, ¿manuel o manolo? :=)

Entiendo que el pack es para una persona y no podrás hacer mucho al respecto. Lo que me extraña es que no ingresen el dinero en tu cuenta y puedas hacer lo que te salga de las narices con él.

Al menos esto es lo que me he encontrado con los packs que he ganado en distintas salas.

¡Suerte en riga! (menudo nombre han escogido para el torneo...)

Pero en qué quedamos, ¿manuel o manolo? :=)

Entiendo que el pack es para una persona y no podrás hacer mucho al respecto. Lo que me extraña es que no ingresen el dinero en tu cuenta y puedas hacer lo que te salga de las narices con él.

Al menos esto es lo que me he encontrado con los packs que he ganado en distintas salas.

¡Suerte en riga! (menudo nombre han escogido para el torneo...)

Eso le pregunté tres veces al retrasado del support, podía salir de Valencia con los $500 pero no podía irme a Barcelona con mi colega para despegar los dos desde ahí por el mismo precio. WTF.


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