Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

36 respuestas
28/12/2011 16:57

Change from ‘Dealt’ to ‘Weighted Contributed’

VPP earnings at ring games will be calculated using the ‘weighted contributed’ method, changing from the ‘dealt’ method. The weighted contributed method awards VPPs to each player based on how much they contribute to the pot. You can read more about the weighted contributed calculation on the PokerStars website.

Ring game players will be affected differently by this change depending on their play style. Some players will earn VPPs faster while others will earn them more slowly. The total number of VPPs given out as a result of each hand is the same using the ‘weighted contributed’ and ‘dealt’ calculations.

While each player is different, overall the weighted contributed method will reward players with lower VIP statuses more and players with higher VIP statuses less. In summary this change will make the distribution of VIP Club benefits more balanced, less top heavy toward Supernova+ VIPs. Players earning a higher VIP status will still earn points faster and gain more and better options for redeeming FPPs.

Weighted Contributed vs. Winner Take All

Winner take all (WTA) is another method of awarding VPPs that was suggested by some players. We considered WTA, but decided that weighted contributed is a superior method of allocating VPPs after a thorough evaluation of both options.

The WTA method results in significantly more volatility in player VPP earnings from session to session and day to day. This can make it more difficult for players to plan their play based on expected VPP earnings. Players may also psychologically feel that it is unfair that when taking a bad beat they lose not only the pot but also all VPP earnings for the hand. On a larger scale, players experiencing a session with particularly negative results may not appreciate earning far fewer VPPs than anticipated in addition to losing funds at the tables.

We did review the differences in how the weighted contributed and winner take all methods would award VPPs to players in the long run. While individual players would earn VPPs at different rates due to differing play styles, as a group the members of each VIP level would see no material difference in the number of VPPs earned between the weighted contributed and winner take all methods.

Changes to Ring Game Rake

Rake Calculation Method

Ring game rake will now be calculated as a true percentage using round half to even rounding. This is a change from the past incremental rake calculations.

The change to true percentage rake will make rake calculation more transparent and intuitive for players. Instead of three rake components (%, increment, and cap) we will have two components (% and cap).

If rake caps and percentages were to remain the same, changing to true percentage rake would result in an increase in rake taken due to the change in rounding. However, we are altering rake percentages downward for all stakes and betting types, reduced from 5% to 4.50% or less. The change to true percentage rake has the most impact on microstakes games. Similarly, the reduction in rake percentages and/or caps is greatest at microstakes games.

As an example, the rake at $0.25/$0.50 NLHE with 6 players dealt in used to be $0.05 for each $1.00 in the pot up to a maximum of $3.00. The new rake for such hands will be 4.5% up to $3.00. The below table shows the old rake and new rake for these types of hands with four different pot sizes:

Rake caps have also been changed, some lowered and some increased, to make them more consistent across different stakes, game types, and currencies.

Rake percentages and caps are being set such that we expect a small overall decrease in site rake assuming that play remains the same. You can see the new rake tables at the bottom of this post.

[I]Fixed Limit Rake with Two Players Dealt In

The rake cap for fixed limit ring game hands dealt to exactly two players has in the past been different depending on whether or not the hand is dealt at a designated heads-up table. Effective January 1st, rake for heads-up play will be consistent across tables at the same stakes with differing numbers of seats.

[I]Euro Currency Rake

Caps at Euro currency tables are also being adjusted to more closely match rake on USD currency tables given the current exchange rate between the USD and EUR currencies. Rake percentages at EUR tables will match the percentages at similar USD tables.

[B]VPP Awarding at Euro Currency Tables

VPP Multipliers for Euro Currency tournaments and ring games are being modified based on the current exchange rate between the USD and EUR currencies as follows:

Tournaments and ring games with 7 and fewer seats: 7x

Ring games with 8 or more seats: 8x

PL/NL €0.01/€0.02: 12x

PL/NL €0.02/€0.05: 10x

PL/NL €0.05/€0.10: 8.5x

The number of FPPs per Euro of reward in a standard FPP satellite to a EUR currency tournament will be reduced from 85 to 81, making FPPs used in such tournaments more valuable.


All of the above changes are planned for implementation in the first days of 2012, Eastern (US) Time

[B],, and,, and players who are playing ring games and tournaments shared with players will be subject to the same rake and tournament fees including the weighted contributed method of awarding ring game VPPs. VPP Multipliers and other VIP Club Rewards will be announced separately for each of these licenses.

[B]Additional Changes

We recognize that the annual basis of Supernova+ VIP Status, VIP Stellar Rewards, and Milestone Cash Credits results in many players planning their PokerStars play at the start of each year based on the game conditions and VIP Program rewards at that time. We cannot guarantee that there will not be meaningful VIP Program changes during the year, but every attempt will be made to avoid such midyear changes that could have a significant negative impact on players’ plans.

We do not plan any significant changes to ring games offerings at this time other than the planned addition of a fast moving ring games product sometime in the first quarter of 2012.

Additional 6-player and 9-player hyper turbo Sit & Go Tournaments are still under consideration for deployment in January 2012. Players will be notified in these forums in advance of such additions. Sit & Go offerings will continue to be evaluated periodically throughout the year resulting in changes being made as needed.

[B]Rake Tables


28/12/2011 17:37
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Alguien que lo resuma ? xD

Btw , para lso que jugamos Full Ring , se puede estimar cuantos VPPS menos haremos , o cuanto rake% ? Digo , pq capaz es una autentica putada y nos queda pasarnos SI o SI a ShortHanded...

28/12/2011 17:47
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Yo todavia no lo entinedo muy bien. Supongo que todos nos veremos perjudicados, pero no se en cuanto. Los mas prejudicados seran los nits de FR del estilo 13/11 o algo asi.

En lo personal, empezare el año y si no me convence el nuevo sistema ire buscando alguna sala con un buen trato de rakeback, algo que nunca hice antes!

28/12/2011 17:49
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

segun veo en la calculadora esta de la web.. hasta los de nl50 fr pueden ser supernovas elites...

28/12/2011 17:56
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!


28/12/2011 18:01
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Gracias mariano. Yo entiendo que suben el rake para los botes pequeños y lo disminuyen para los botes grandes, a sabiendas de que un altisimo porcentaje de los jugadores en el futuro inmediato jugaran en niveles inferiores a NL50 incluso NL25

28/12/2011 18:05
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!
28/12/2011 17:56
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!



mete en la calculadora: sin limite, 555 manos hora, 16 mesas,30horas semana, nl50...= SNE

28/12/2011 18:07
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

The end is near?

28/12/2011 18:09
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Esa calculadora debe andar mal! Ahora entiendo menos que antes!!

28/12/2011 18:11
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Creo que esta claculando esa cantidad de manos por hora para cada mesa.

28/12/2011 18:11
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!


28/12/2011 18:15
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Alguien que nos iluminine , aparece Moke por favor 😫

28/12/2011 18:32
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Inocentada? El mail de marianoboni parece autentico, de no serlo seria la inocentada mas elaborada de la historia.

Nos van a joder a los que juguemos botes de menos de 15$ casi siempre. A ver como queda la cosa en sit&go

28/12/2011 18:40
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Para jugadores de HU cambiria en algo?

28/12/2011 18:40
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Es copy paste de 2+2. Es autentico.

28/12/2011 18:42
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!
28/12/2011 18:11
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Creo que esta claculando esa cantidad de manos por hora para cada mesa.

marianobonCreo que esta claculando esa cantidad de manos por hora para cada mesa.

this! con la opción de manos horas, si metes el número de manos que haces habitualmente en una hora, tienes que dejar el numero de mesas en 1.

28/12/2011 18:46
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

si si.. pero como sin meter ningun dato en ese apartado de manos/hora no te dice los vpp que generas.. asique mejor poner las manos y 1 mesa como dice 1ttu

28/12/2011 19:24
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Esto ser malisimo para todos, para lag un poco menos, pero tambien malo, para FR sera aun peor, para HU ser igual, participas en todos los botes.

Unicos beneficiados fishes, no mucho, y Pokerstars. Si field mas blando quizas merecer pena.

¿Que haran rakebackplayers ahora? me parece muy raro todo, perderan jugadores, pero devolveran menos rakeback. ¿Sera rentable?

¿Jugarán fishes mas? Veremos. Me parece cambio muy importante. Para mi RB no ser muy importante, a los que dependen de el, suerte, va a ser dificil para vosotros.

28/12/2011 19:32
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

los sits no se verán afectados, los vpp por rake serán los mismos al igual que en torneos

28/12/2011 19:52
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Un resumen de todo ese tocho que no entiendo nada? Como afecta en funcion que jueges FR o SH? Gracias!

28/12/2011 19:54
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Hasta donde yo tengo entendido , te sacan un 20-25% del rakeback , o sea que si sos SuperNova y jugar FR o SH , como muchooo tendrias un Rakeback al torno del 23% como MAXIMO ... No ? O sea que chau PS

28/12/2011 20:02
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!
28/12/2011 19:24
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Esto ser malisimo para todos, para lag un poco menos, pero tambien malo, para FR sera aun peor, para HU ser igual, participas en todos los botes.

Unicos beneficiados fishes, no mucho, y Pokerstars. Si field mas blando quizas merecer pena.

¿Que haran rakebackplayers ahora? me parece muy raro todo, perderan jugadores, pero devolveran menos rakeback. ¿Sera rentable?

¿Jugarán fishes mas? Veremos. Me parece cambio muy importante. Para mi RB no ser muy importante, a los que dependen de el, suerte, va a ser dificil para vosotros.

OlchowEsto ser malisimo para todos, para lag un poco menos, pero tambien malo, para FR sera aun peor, para HU ser igual, participas en todos los botes.

Unicos beneficiados fishes, no mucho, y Pokerstars. Si field mas blando quizas merecer pena.

¿Que haran rakebackplayers ahora? me parece muy raro todo, perderan jugadores, pero devolveran menos rakeback. ¿Sera rentable?

¿Jugarán fishes mas? Veremos. Me parece cambio muy importante. Para mi RB no ser muy importante, a los que dependen de el, suerte, va a ser dificil para vosotros.

OMG ¿castellano antiguo? ¿Google translate?

28/12/2011 20:17
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Soy extranjero, mi español no muy bueno.

28/12/2011 20:37
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Este cambio me gustaria, si agregasen una mejoria en el sistema de bonos, o aumentasen en algo el multiplicador de vpps, pero como dicen por ahi, aparentemente solo le sacan beneficios a los regs, para quedarse ellos con mas dinero.

28/12/2011 20:41
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!
28/12/2011 20:17
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Soy extranjero, mi español no muy bueno.

OlchowSoy extranjero, mi español no muy bueno.

no te preocupes, no es perfecto pero se entiende perfectamente. Y sí, esa es la cuestión principal, qué van a hacer los rakeback players y si esto le va a compensar a PS; el tema es que me parece que la mayoría de la competencia lo hace de esta forma o parecida, con lo que no sé las alternativas que le quedan a estos jugadores (por no hablar de la seguridad de jugar en esta sala que es la mayor de todas)...

28/12/2011 20:46
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Los unicos que podran llegar a competir, seran aquellos sitios con tratos superiores al 50% a traves de sus afiliados.

28/12/2011 20:56
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Duro golpe para afiliados Pokerstars, no habia pensado en eso, van a ganar mucho dinero.

Espero inviertan gran parte para atraer jugadores nuevos.

Offtopic: ¿Queda alguna sala con dealt shared?

28/12/2011 20:59
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

No lo se.

28/12/2011 21:09
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Es posible que hayan realizado cambio porque haber muchos jugadores SN y SNE, quizas esto no entrar en sus planes y estar afectando a su balance. Pero podrian haber hecho algo mas medio, el cambio es super brusco.

Dealt shared era injusto, habia jugadores pagando diferentes rakes, con igual status y rakeback, eso tambien es real.

28/12/2011 21:14
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Perdonar por gran texto, pero quiero compartir esto con vosotros, escribi en 2+2. No se si permitido hablar ingles, si no, borrenlo.

I am a TAG player. I have thought a little about this change, its not so important for me (i dont live with the rakeback and i dont play a high volume) but i like to think aoubt how things works and the poker rooms have been always very intersting for me. My conclusions:

1. Actually its true that with the shared system there a lot of tight players who are making a lot of money multitabling a lot of tables because they take the rakeback from the LAGs and fish.

2. The games would not be easier because there will be a lot of players who starts to improve this game, and like other posters said, winrate will decrease for most of regs.

2. The fishes are going to have more problems. If they lose now, they are going to lose quickly his money and they are not going to come back.

Its not a very big problem give a little part of our rakeback to the fishes if this is neccesary for keep the fishes in the game or the room is not working good (talking about his finances)

But if Pokerstars changes the rake from dealt to contributed its going to be so unfair. Because they are going to say that they want to keep the fish, to make a more fair game, but not, its a lie. They ll make the game hardier and only for winning more money.

Its negative for all players in short term, for the room in middle/long term. They will win more at beginning but the traffic is going to decrease and they ll lose what they had won and they can lose their position, a lot of regs will not be able to win nothing, and they ll stop of playing.

This time is a good oportunity for Pokerstars to make the difference versus the other rooms. I have been playing since i started to play poker there because the software is the best and i feel so comfortable while i play and they have never failed me.

My idea its that Pokerstars should give to all the players the oportunity between playing with shared or contributed deatl.

I explain myself: The room should put contributed by default and when you reach a status (gold or platinum) you can change it to shared.

Most of fishes they are not going to arrive never, but they will have more FPPs.

But, its obvious, the room would win less, so, they should reduce the % of VIP systems for pay the difference or make harder to get the status level or give less VPP per hands, one of three.

5 % its acceptable and they have money to pay for all the difference with fishes, well not, they are going to win money with this.

But how are the regs going to accept to lose 20-35 %?

Its going to suck, and yes, if Pokerstars make this most of us will feel that Pokerstars only want to make the big money stealing to the regs.

At last its a good idea from one poster making the Stellar Program more attractive, when fishes watch than they can change their FPPs for money, they will do it and they will play more and the regs will be less sad, i think all of us we like to liberate Rewards.

I think if Pokerstars make this, all of us will be happy, fishes and regs and they have a very nice oportunity to show that they listen to the community and they care about all of type of players.

28/12/2011 21:25
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Es muy interesante lo que pones.

Hay una gran falacia dando vueltas con respecto a que haran los fishes con sus vpp. COmo bien he leido por ahi, los fishes no acumulan vpps para cambiarlos por bonos, e introducir liquidez a las mesas. Los fishes cambiaran sus fpp por gorras, remeras, etc.

Se planea un sitout masivo, aqui la cuenta regresiva:

28/12/2011 21:29
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Por lo menos alcanzan antes Stellar Rewards y seran felices por mostrar estrellas, puede ser que viendose cerca de alcanzar gold jueguen/ingresen mas para llegar. Cuando era fish, gustarme estrellas 😁

28/12/2011 23:05
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!
28/12/2011 21:29
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Por lo menos alcanzan antes Stellar Rewards y seran felices por mostrar estrellas, puede ser que viendose cerca de alcanzar gold jueguen/ingresen mas para llegar. Cuando era fish, gustarme estrellas 😁

OlchowPor lo menos alcanzan antes Stellar Rewards y seran felices por mostrar estrellas, puede ser que viendose cerca de alcanzar gold jueguen/ingresen mas para llegar. Cuando era fish, gustarme estrellas 😁

Por pura curiosidad ¿de que pais eres Olchowy?

28/12/2011 23:24
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

Polonia, vivo con grinder y otro que va aprendiendo.

29/12/2011 03:57
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

preparaos los ke jugais en limites altos porque vienen malos tiempo por lo ke pone ay nos kitaran mas rake creo

29/12/2011 14:50
Re: Cambios anunciados en Stars!!

yo voy a probar el primer mes y despues veo si me conviene el tema de los bonos y demas para ver que hago

Ahora es increible como se cagan en lo regs, primero los DON, despues las mesas 20bb 50bb, ahora esto

Me tienen hinchado los huevos


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