Work for Winamax - International Development Officer

1 respuesta
25/01/2017 12:27

Hello all,

Winamax is the number one online poker site in France, with one of the best platforms on the market and a friendly community which extends far beyond the tables of play. Since the football World Cup 2014, it is also a sports betting site intent on offering the best odds on the market. The Winamax spirit encompasses a huge community of over 3 million players. Present on all the major social networks with tens of thousands of followers, the brand always has its finger on the pulse of an ever changing poker and sports world!

As part of our development, we are looking for Spanish native speakers passionate about poker and betting and we think that you could be interested in working for us. Please find the job description here:

As a International Development Officer, you will be part of the content production team for our website and applications, specifically in the Spanish language and you will also play a key role in adapting our poker and sports betting product for Spanish markets.

Do not hesitate to apply if you want to join our Team based in Paris and please feel free to contact us should you have any questions.

Have a good day.

25/01/2017 20:16
Re: Work for Winamax - International Development Officer


Si j´ai bien compris le travaill c´est a paris?

J´aimerai bien travailler avec vous,mais malheureusement je pourrais pas aller a paris.

Si vous avez besoin de personnel en Espagne je serais ravi de vous presenter mon cv .

Je parle bien anglais,espagnol,on peut dire que le français aussi , mais au niveaux ecriture je besoin des lessons .

je suis roumain et je habite en espagne depuis 2004

Mersi , a bientôt!


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