Las rachas no existen

1 respuesta
29/03/2009 10:09

Les dejo un post muy bueno que encontre encontre en un foro chileno de poker, donde un usuario pregunta: "cuanto dura una racha"??? y un jugador de NL1000 (creo) Roronoa (chile) le contesta preciso y conciso:

"sip, es cierto que dada una cantidad de manos, veremos desviacion del valor esperador y muchas manos con "buena suerte" o "mala suerte".

Pero el concepto de " estoy en mala racha" no existe y menos sentido tiene la pregunta "hasta cuando puede durar una mala racha".

Las probabilidades no tienen memoria y cada vez q juegas una mano , el pasado se borra y solo tienes q dedicarte a tomar una buena decision. El estar en mala racha es mas que nada un concepto creado por tu mente que solo tu percibes. Te dejo un pequeño extracto del libro ya que quisas no es tan facil conseguirlo.


ere have been times when i wondered how i could ever lose. Days, weeks, even months sometimes, when all I did was win, win,win. Even when I lost I won, because I´d hardly lose anything, and I knew I had kept damage to the minimum possible. When i lost while i was winning, I didn´t lose pride, momentum, or courage.

ere have been times when i wondered how I had ever won. Days, weeks, even months sometimes, when all I did was lose, lose, lose.I´ve had runs of bad luck that were so long and so brutal that I was absolutely convinced that no one in earth had ever been so unlucky. But realistically I knew that could not be so, or even if it was, I could not know it to be so. Noise, so much noise used to bounce around in my head, all the time.

All my good streaks and all of my bad streaks of every length and depth have had one thing in common. ey did not exist in your mind. ey only existed in my mind. And this is true for everyone´s winning and losing streaks. None of them actually exist. ey are all mental fabrication, like past and future. Everything that ever happens happens in the present tense. But how can you have a "streak" in the present tense? You can´t. And therefore, if you are in the present tense, which, in fact, at this time, you are, then at this moment there is no streak in your life. ere is no inherent existence to streaks. e streak is there when you think about it, and when you stop thinking about it, it goes away. It blossoms and withers, all in your mind. And when your mind invents a streak, you believe it exists, because you believe what your mind tells you. But the truth is there is only the hand you are playing."

29/03/2009 16:24
Re: Las rachas no existen

Con las rachas no existen, me refiero a : el concepto de "estoy en mala racha" o "estoy en buena racha" no existen, las rachas suceden pero son parte del pasado. el titulo lo puse mal.


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